It's been a crazy couple of days. Gaga released her video for Born This Way today. You can watch it HERE at Refinery 29. I have to say I love her message. I think that she is so well spoken and I truly love her confidence when she's making any sort of public appearance. I also have to say, that if I had a body like hers I wouldn't wear pants in public either.
And, just in case you were living under a rock, last night millions of viewers watched The 83rd Academy Awards.
This was the first year I really wanted to see all of the films that were up for best picture. Unfortunately I didn't get to watch them all before The Oscars.
But, who really watches to see who wins these days anyway? I have to say, I didn't think there weren't too many misses. Not that I agree with all of the fashion choices that were made though.
On that note here are the best dressed in my opinion.

Anne Hathaway got to enjoy EIGHT different gowns last night. Okay, seven and a custom made tux. She looked great in all of them! However this Oscar de la Renta was my favorite.

And the worst dressed...

So those are my picks! Who were your favs of the night? Did you agree with those that took home the Oscar?