Five on Friday. I think I'm going to try and do this every week. This week I'm inspired by the fact that I'm sick. So here are five items that I recommend for the week

1. Tissues. Whether you're sick like I am at the moment or just have the sniffles, tissues are a must as the cold season starts. I'm a fan of Puffs. They are soft and don't make me feel like I look like Rudolph. Along with a good box of tissues I like the pocket packs too. I always make sure to keep on in my pocket and one in my purse. No one likes a runny nose.

2. A good book. For those times when you're laying in bed or on your couch that you can't sleep, there's nothing good on TV, and none of the movies you own seem interesting. I'm currently reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It's the first novel in a set of three, for anyone who is unfamiliar with the book. Without giving anything away that is already on the inside synopsis of the cover, The Hunger Games is set in the future where the Countries no longer exist and every year each territory demands two children from each "district" to be used as gladiators in a televised fight to the death. The story follows the protagonist, Katniss, after she volunteers to take her younger sister's place in the games. My roommate came home raving about the book after a business trip. The third and last book just recently came out and he couldn't put down any of the books, reading each in pretty much one sitting. The Hunger games is a great sci-fi/fantasy book, and that's usually not my cup of tea. It may even be a great break for all of you vampire fanatics. Not that there is anything wrong with the vamp books, I'll be the first to admit I love the Southern Vampire Mystery novels, True Blood, The Black Dagger Brotherhood novels, and yes event the twilight books. But I'm a little vamped out. The Hunger Games were a great way to stay in a fantasy world but no one is biting each other-at least not yet.

3. Peppermint Tea. Everyone always tells you when you're sick fluids, fluids, fluids. And nothing clears up your sinus like something spicy. That's why I love peppermint tea. I particularly love Celestial Seasonings Peppermint Tea (and Celestial Seasonings even makes K-cups!). Drinking something hot is comforting and feels good on your throat and the peppermint flavor has a bit of a bite that seems to make my nose a little less congested. I was a bit skeptical about peppermint tea at first. The last think you want is to drink something that reminds you of toothpaste. But add a little but of honey and it's my favorite thing to enjoy while home with a cold.

4. Burt's Bees. Okay, I hope this one is obvious. Chapped lips are never fun and the always seem to be worst when sick. I always make sure to have MULTIPLE Burt's Bees around no matter how I'm feeling. One in my pocket, one in my purse, one in my desk at get the idea. I usually just get the basic one but I just bought the one with Mango Butter. GO BUY IT! It is just as smoother and nourishing as regular Burt's Bees but it smells so good. And on a side note, I really recommend all of their products from their tinted lip balms to their body wash. It's all great and the body products seem very refreshing first thing in the morning.

5. Soup. Specifically Hot and Sour soup from your local Chinese take-out restaurant (because honestly who wants to cook when they're sick). Like I mentioned before, there is nothing like something spicy to clear out your sinus'. I ordered something today, and it did make me feel better for the time being. Now, I hate soup. Let me repeat myself I HATE SOUP, but I love hot and sour soup. Someday, when I'm not ill I'll try and make it myself.
So feel better. I hope I do.
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