Yesterday I made one of most exciting purchases I have in a long time. A reusable coffee filter for my Keurig Coffee Maker. Now this may not be exciting for some people, or you may not understand why this is so amazing. But let me tell you, it is the best thing ever. For a bit of Keurig education, the machines use these things called K-cups to brew the coffee. Each cup has enough grounds for one cup. Now you can buy the K-cups many places; Kohls and Bed Bath & Beyond for example sell the boxes of 18 cups for about $9.99. One of my favorite places to go for cups is because they have a huge selection that you can't always find in the store.

The reviews on are mixed, but let's be honest that's normal for any product. I plan on using mine tomorrow or this weekend, so I'll let you know how every thing turns out. In the mean time I'm still very excited about this. I realize I'm late to the party with this since it's been out since 2006, but oh well.
The reusable filters run for about $15-$20 depending on where you buy it. You can purchase it here at for about $15 plus shipping. I bought my at Bed Bath & Beyond for $17. So no matter where you buy it it should even out to be the same.
So go, drink some coffee. I know I am.
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