ANYWAY...Here's what I like this week!

3. For the First Time - The Script. This is the first single off of their new album Science & Faith. I am in love with this song and album. I've had it on repeat for about 2 weeks now. I wasn't a huge fan of their self titled first album, aside from the two singles (Breakeven and The Man Who Can't Be Moved). This album has definitely matured from their first. I encourage you to check them out. And what can be better then good music made by sexy men with Irish accents?
In other news, I was passed a blog award from my friend Alyssa over at Fleur de Lyss. THANK YOU ALYSSA! I'm glad someone finds my ramblings interesting.

Now here is this lovely questionnaire to go along with the award...
What inspires you?
Music, Art, My Friends & Family
What is your favorite season and why?
Late fall/early winter. I love the fresh cold weather. Where you can utilize cute cold weather accessories such as scarves and hats but the cold doesn't hurt your face as you walk to the subway.
What are you most looking forward to this year?
Being 100% financially independent from my parents
If you could write a book about anything, what would you write about?
I write little drabbles frequently. So instead I would love to have a book of my photography.
What is your greatest passion?
Um, Everything? I guess aside from the obvious, friends, family, life. I say music and art.
If you could change one thing about your life or yourself, what would it be and why?
I over analyze EVERYTHING. Sometimes I wish I could make a decision without thinking about the "what if..."
This is like asking my what my favorite song is...impossible to answer. But I can give you two The Great Gatsby I read this in High School like every other person, but it really stuck with me. I think that this was one of the few books I really enjoyed in any of my high school English classes. Harry Potter, okay, you have to admit, This series made it cool and acceptable to read as a child and I think JK Rowling changed how our generation thinks and feels about books and reading.